Summer Playlist
There’s power when we sing God’s truth together! We want to keep things fresh and learn some new tunes but remove the barrier of singing unfamiliar songs on Sunday mornings. So, we’ve created a playlist of new worship songs to learn over the summer!
Rescuer (Good News)
Rend Collective
This has a major tie to our series in Judges, that ultimately God is the hero in each of the stories of the judge, he is the one who provides deliverance and victory and the good news in each of our lives!
You’ll Come
Hillsong Worship
This song is a great expression of our prayer of the year to ask God to show us His glory. There is a beauty in the call and response nature of the song. We ask and He is pleased to answer and reveal Himself.
Do It Again
Elevation Worship
A major theme of the demise of Israel as depicted in Judges is that a whole generation did not know God – they were forgetful. Having belief and walking in faith in God should come from a rock-solid confidence of seeing all that God has done in the past, and believing in faith that He will show up in our lives as well!
Elevation Worship
This song is a great expression of God’s character and power. In the Judges series we see the downward cycle of unfaithfulness in contrast to the faithfulness and solid character of God. Singing the chorus “Holy, Holy is the Lord, worthy to be praised, Yahweh” is a powerful declaration of faith rooted in God’s character, regardless of our circumstances.
Reckless Love
Cory Asbury
This song has the core of the gospel and God’s love written all over it. It expresses God’s intimate care for us and how He, the creator of the Universe, a Holy God, pursues us!
The Lion and the Lamb
Bethel Worship
This is a great song lifting high the name of Jesus and praising Him for His power and majesty. In the book of Judges, the people ultimately needed a righteous King that God would send and Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of that need for a King!
O Come to the Altar
Elevation Worship
This song communicates an invitation, as we “leave behind [our] regrets and mistakes,” to move toward Jesus. There is an honest expression of both God’s heart, as well as our response to Him.
Holy Ground
This song literally sings our prayer of the year, “Show us Your glory.” There are themes of humbling ourselves in surrender to let God have His way in our lives.