The 3-week series, “Name Above All Names,” will look at how Jesus is the most influential person who ever walked the earth. We’ll look in-depth at his influence, his humility and his preeminence.
Jesus, the Most Influential Man | August 18, 2019
Shawn Peterson
Ephesians 1:20-23
Jesus never had a political office, led an army, ran a company, created a product, wrote a book, and he grew up in a small town. Yet, Jesus influenced our cultures and the world we live in more than any other person that walked the earth.
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Jesus, the Humblest Man | August 25, 2019
Shawn Peterson
Philippians 2:6-11
Jesus flipped the switch on the view of being humble. The culture during the time of Jesus’ life on earth was completely honor and shame based. He set an unprecedented example of being a humble leader.
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Jesus, A Man Above All | September 1, 2019
TJ Callaway
Colossians 1:15-20
In this series, we’ve looked at how influential Jesus has been and how he changed the worlds’ view of humility. As we conclude the series, we see how Jesus goes before us in every chapter in our lives and prepares the way for us.
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