Following Jesus is a journey.

We can know where the journey ends, but along the trail we’re usually just given our next step, which is wonderful! It builds faith and helps maintain focus instead of being overwhelmed by the length of the journey. We want to help you take your next step. From simply discovering who Jesus is and possibly placing faith in Him to learning more about what it means to follow Him, you’ll find your next step right here.

Come get to know more about us on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month after each service in the room off the lobby. It’s short and informal and childcare is provided.

Making sense of the world we live in and finding our place in it can feel like an impossible task. Good news, Jesus helps us see God’s Big Plan for our lives!

Baptism is an integral part of the Christian journey. We have baptisms several times a year during services. People who are being baptized are fully emersed in our warm water tub and all in attendance cheer and celebrate this important expression of faith with you! Before getting baptized, you’ll meet with a pastor to walk you through the meaning and logistics.

We’re not meant to walk this trail of following Jesus alone. We follow Jesus in partnership with other Jesus-followers committing to one another in local churches.

Come and learn more about what it means to partner with FBC through membership! Pastor Shawn and other staff will share the vision, values of the church, and how partnership with FBC makes a difference in our lives and the world. We’ll meet on Sunday, January 26 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the upper lobby. Dinner is provided! Childcare is available with prior registration.

Have you ever wondered if God created you to be a spiritual leader? Join us for this 4-week Sunday morning class hosted and led by the FBC Elders. This discussion-oriented class based on J. Oswald Sanders’ book “Spiritual Leadership,” will take you to the next level in spiritual leadership as we discuss growing in our call as leaders. Open to all adults. The book is required and can be purchased on Amazon for $8.83.

We offer this class a few times a year.  Check back soon for dates or click below to let us know you are interested.

Worship & the Word

Together on Sunday mornings, we praise God and study the Bible.

Growth Groups

Small groups meet weekly to build relationships and grow spiritually.

Serving & Sharing

Small groups meet weekly to build relationships and grow spiritually.