Sermon Archive

Asking for a Friend...
The Face of Joy
If you are generally an obedient person but aren’t experiencing God’s joy, try spending the month of December asking for the joy of the Lord. There are too many grumpy, complaining, and gloomy Christians. God wants you to know the pleasure of His face shining upon you, which will bring you joy!

21 Days to Spiritual Fitness
21 Days to Spiritual Fitness
Join us for this three-week spiritual journey starting August 21. We’re providing free journals filled with scripture and prompts. Pick up your free booklet in the lobby.

Asking for a Friend...
Asking for a Friend...
A 4-week series asking and answering some common questions about Christianity including "Is the Bible reliable," "How can a loving God allow suffering?" and much more.

We See, We Care, We Serve
We see, we care, we serve the good of our city - this is how we live like Jesus. In this 3-week series, we’ll dive into scripture to see how we can integrate this into our own lives and in our community.

How to WAIT on the Lord
How to WAIT on the Lord
Have you ever been in a season of waiting for something? It can feel like God isn’t there or doesn’t care. In this powerful sermon on waiting on the Lord, the acronym WAIT will help us focus on the right things while we wait.

You Before Me
You Before Me
The church is about making faithful followers of Jesus Christ. This mission lives in our hearts and causes us to sacrifice for others.

A New Better Normal
A New Better Normal
During this COVID season, every aspect of our lives has been touched. This gives us a fresh opportunity to reevaluate our lives. In this 8-week series, we’ll look at the Bible to see how God wants us to live.

Join us as we walk through the book of Philippians Fall 2020 – Spring 2021. Paul's circumstances were grim, yet he lived as a gospel-transformed person and was able to experience joy. God wants you to experience this kind of joy too.

Big Plans
Big Plans For Your Life
We are all experiencing disruption and change. We’ll be inspired and encouraged in this series to take our frustrations to the Lord and let Him comfort and guide us through it knowing He has a plan for our lives.

How to Hear God Speak
Focusing on Hope
For 2020 we're choosing to place our hope in the All-Powerful God, with high intentionality and focus. Our hope can rest on His possibilities.

The Bridge
The Bridge
Join us for a 4-week series called The Bridge, from Matthew 5. We’ll study the 4 qualities that Jesus tells us are prerequisites to experiencing supreme happiness in Him.

Strength in the Storms
Strength in the Storms
Humans are like houses, we can look good from the outside but there can be hidden problems. What do we do when things are destroying us on the inside? Are we doomed or do we turn to an expert?

In the Beginning
In the Beginning...
This series will address questions like: How did the world begin? How did sin affect God’s perfect creation? What was God’s plan to reconcile sinful humanity to Himself through Jesus?

The Book of James: Practical Faith
The Book of James: Practical Faith
James wrote a letter rich with wisdom on how we are to live. We’ll look at practical ways to apply this wisdom to our everyday lives.

Finding Happiness
Finding Happiness
This 5-Week series will look at a different Psalm each week. The connecting theme in all of the sermons is “Blessed is the man who delights and meditates on God’s Word.” Blessed literally means Supreme Happiness. The Christian experiences this happiness in a variety of ways.

Easter 2018
Easter 2018
Join us for Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday 2018 where we learn how deep and how far the love of God goes to save us!

Reaching God's World
Reaching God's World
"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!" In this sermon we hear how faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.

Christmas Playlist
Christmas Playlist
This Christmas season we look at four classic Christmas songs and the spiritual truths found in them.

Ever feel like you're going through the motions with God? This three week study will give you the tools you need to renew your relationship with Christ and deepen your faith, no matter where you are in your journey.

Asking for a Friend...
The Gospel of Mark
Mark’s approach was to record specific conversations and events from Jesus’s life to create a picture like a collage. He wanted to provide enough evidence from episodes of Jesus’ life to help people understand the real Jesus, and that he was the Messiah.

Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments
To what degree are the Ten Commandments binding to us today? Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law but what about the moral law? God gave mankind these laws because He cares about our spiritual health. This is God’s gift to His people so they can live well together.

Life-Changing Miracles
Life-Changing Miracles
In this Easter sermon, we’ll look at 4 life-changing miracles. To deeply examine these miracles, we’ll go on an eyewitness journey, back 2000 years ago to the weekend Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead.

When God calls us, we have a choice on how to respond. We can ignore it or move forward in faith. In this series, we take a close look at the life of Abraham who answers the call of God because he accepts and realizes the reality of there being only one true God.

Hope, Peace, Joy, Love
Hope, Peace, Joy Love
This advent, we'll look at hope, peace, joy, and love. Christ is the ultimate source in all of these things, and His coming to earth as a baby means we can have access to them.

God of the Impossible
God of the Impossible
Starting August 15, join us for a 4-week sermon series, God of the Impossible, where we’ll take a look at stories from the Old Testament and see how God did the impossible.

Easter 2021
Easter 2021
When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he changed history and he changes lives. How has your life been changed by meeting the living Jesus?

Beauty of Gathering
Beauty of Gathering
Have you noticed the big W2, G2, & S2 logos around the church? They’re based in Scripture and remind us what we’re about at FBC. As we enter a new year, what has God called us to do? How? Why? This week we look at how we gather to display God’s beauty through W2, G2 and S2.

One Another
One Another
Jesus commanded us to love one another, so as Christians, the most obvious quality of our lives should be how we show love to others. In fact, loving one another should be the most stand-out quality of us and of the church.

Easter 2020
Easter 2020
We will remember Jesus, his sacrifice, and the historical validity surrounding his death and resurrection. Because of these things, Jesus has the power to change people’s lives.

How to Hear God Speak
How to Hear God Speak
Join us for this 2 part mini sermon series called “How to Hear God Speak.” We’ll look in depth at ways we can recognize and hear God’s voice in our lives.

Live For His Legacy
Live For His Legacy
Each week we’ll look at some lesser-known characters from the Bible. God used ordinary people to create unbelievable legacies then and He’s still doing this today, through each of us.

On Purpose
On Purpose
In this 5-week series we’ll dig deeper into God’s big plans for your life: to receive His love, to bless the lives of others, to find your purpose and to live the adventurous life of faith He is calling you to.

Christmas Playlist B Side
Christmas Playlist B-Side
This week, we begin our Advent series. We continue our sermon series from last December by focusing on the meaning and inspiration in 4 Christmas songs.

Rock Bottom Rescues
Rock Bottom Rescues
This sermon series in the Book of Judges, called “Rock Bottom Rescues,” shows us that God always has a heart to rescue us, no matter how far down we are.

God, Please Show Me Your Glory
God, Please Show Me Your Glory
This sermon is focused on our prayer for the year: God, please show me your glory.

The Lord's Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
In this 4-part series we learn about how Jesus teaches us the right way to approach God in prayer. We will be looking at scripture that demonstrates how to connect our prayer life with God’s will.

As we follow Moses’s journey, we see how God is sovereign, compassionate, patient, powerful, and providing. He leads HIs people through circumstances that seem to have no way out, but God provides a way. God is at work in our lives today, in all our circumstances. We just need to trust Him in His sovereignty.

This is My Story
This is My Story
It’s healthy in life to pause, reflect and celebrate. Our church will pause, reflect and celebrate the greatness and might of God. We’ll take our lead from Psalm 22 which says, “I will tell of your name to my brother in the midst of the congregation … so that everyone who hears will stand in awe of Him.”

In this series, we look at God’s design for us to be disciples. Jesus poured into others, the disciples did it, and it’s what we’re called to do as his followers. It’s important for all of us as Christians to have someone in our lives pouring into us, and we, in turn, pour into someone else.

Heart, Money, and Blessings
Heart, Money, and Blessings
The Bible actually has a lot to say about money so why does it feel awkward to talk about it? In this short series, we look at scripture to understand God’s view of the role money plays in our lives.

A Household of God
A Household of God
Everyone wants to be part of a community that’s larger than themselves. We’re meant to live in community and in relationships. God’s created a family for us. It’s the largest family and He’s invited us to be a part of it.

Remembering the Gospel
Remembering the Gospel
As the people of God living in the New Covenant, we must remember the full Gospel to appreciate the beauty of Christ.

Fullness of the Spirit
Fullness of the Spirit
Join us as we take a deep dive into the magnificent transformation the Holy Spirit brings to a Christian’s life.

The Parables of Jesus
The Parables of Jesus
Jesus was a master communicator. As a person reads the Gospels, they see how he utilized various methods to make his point. One of these methods, was the telling of parables. This 10-week series runs through August 8.

Anxious for Nothing
God wants us to trust Him and experience joy and freedom. So why do we find ourselves experiencing anxiety so often? We’ll look at what causes us to feel anxious and what the Bible says about how to navigate through it.

Hope Has a Name
This Christmas season, we will take four weeks to look at hope. In this world, we face disappointments and we can lose hope. But when we keep our eyes on our eternal source of hope, Jesus, we can experience joy and freedom no matter what our circumstances.

Name Above All Names Pt 2
Name Above All Names Part 2
A continuation on our previous 3-week series, “Name Above All Names Part 2,” will look at how Jesus is the most influential person who ever walked the earth. We’ll look in-depth at his influence, his humility and his preeminence.

Gospel Living in an Upside-Down World
Gospel Living in an Upside-Down World
In the second part of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus describes how a Christian is to live. But if we’re living Gospel-centered.

The King is Coming
The King is Coming
Join us as we follow the centuries-old spiritual practice of Advent. During these 4 weeks, we’ll look at hope, love, peace and joy.

Name Above All Names
Name Above All Names
The 3-week series, “Name Above All Names,” will look at how Jesus is the most influential person who ever walked the earth. We’ll look in-depth at his influence, his humility and his preeminence.

Breaking Chains
Breaking Chains
Join us as we take an honest look at the chains that bind us….fear, anxiety, anger, uncontrollable desire and even death.

Outward Acts
Outward Acts
We’ll look at passages from the book of Acts and be inspired by God’s Word to reach outside the walls of our church.

As human beings, we default to selfishness, but the Bible teaches us to focus on others. This attitude, exemplified by Christ, applies to all kinds of relationships – children/parents, employee/employer, husbands/wives, etc.

Habakkuk is a man worth emulating with his trust in the Lord. This book of the Bible is about waiting and while Habakkuk is waiting, he turns to God. Showing us the pattern of going to God with our confusion, pain, frustration and God answers him.

Faith Forward
Faith Forward
In this 2-part series we learn about how our thoughts and actions interact with our faith. What weight are you carrying that is holding you back from running the race with endurance?

Becoming Authentic Disciples
Becoming Authentic Disciples
Join us as we study Romans 12 together as a church and discover what it means to become a true disciple of Jesus. Come and see what it's like to truly experience God's grace, instead of earning His love through our own performance.

Join us as we study Romans 12 together as a church and discover what it means to become a true disciple of Jesus. Come and see what it's like to truly experience God's grace, instead of earning His love through our own performance.